RUH orders first Veriton-CT system

Royal United Hospital, Bath, has placed the first order of a Spectrum Dynamics Veriton-CT solid state SPECT/CT system. Supplier Link Medical’s ceo Peter Dobson said: “We would like to thank the radiology team of Dr Richard Graham, Dr David Little and Dr Stewart Redman for their support, together with Martyn Evans and the team in nuclear medicine. I would also like to thank the Royal United Hospital Charity Fund for its generous support in securing this landmark decision to purchase Veriton-CT.”

Spectrum Dynamics Veriton-CT
Spectrum Dynamics’ Veriton-CT system.

According to Link Medical Veriton-CT is the first cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) SPECT/CT system that can perform simultaneous 360° acquisitions. This is achieved by the new detector design comprising 12 independent detector pods, each with 2,048 individual CZT crystals. “Internal fanning of these detectors, combined with capacitance close proximity positioning, results in performance that is not achievable with rectangular FOV systems,” the company states. Whole body full SPECT bone scans take 15-18 minutes and brain scans take 15 minutes.

Veriton-CT is equipped with a 64-slice, state-of-the-art CT option; 16-slice systems are also available and both will be upgradeable with slice doubling technology later this year, resulting in 32 and 128-slice performance.

Lead picture: Nuclear medicine team members Leslie Mousseau, Joy Ganotisi, chief technologist Kathy Hopes, Heidi Hernandez, principal physicist Dr Sarah Cade, Sue Doyle, Laura Martin, consultant radiologist Dr David Little, Jasmine Cheesewright, consultant radiologist Dr Stewart Redman, consultant physicist Martyn Evans and consultant radiologist Dr Richard Graham.

Published on on page 2 of the April 2020 issue of RAD Magazine.

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